A beginner's guide to learning 3D game development with C++ and UE4, 2nd Edition
This book is for anyone who wants to learn game programming. We'll be going through and creating a simple game, so you will get a good idea of the whole process.
This book is also for anyone who wants to learn C++, particularly C++ 17. We'll be going over the basics of C++ and how to program in it, with an introduction to some of the new features in the latest C++ version.
Finally, the book is for anyone who wants to learn UE4. We'll be using this to create our game. We will be primarily focused on the C++ side, but we will be looking at some basic blueprint development.
Sharan Volin has been programming games for more than a decade. In the past, she worked on AAA and other titles for such companies as Sony Online Entertainment, Electronic Arts (Los Angeles), and 7 Studios (Activision). She primarily specialized in UI Programming. She also taught Game Programming for a year at the Art Institute of California. Sharan has both a BS in Computer Science (Games) and an MS in Computer Science from the University of Southern California, as well as degrees and certificates from other schools. Originally from New York, she lived in Los Angeles until she moved to Montreal, Canada with her 3 cats in early 2018 to work as a System Programmer at Behavior Interactive.
Chapter 1, Getting Started with C++ 17, covers creating your first C++ project in either Visual Studio Community 2017 or Xcode. We'll be creating our first simple C++ program.
Chapter 2, Variables and Memory, covers different types of variables, the basic method of storing data in C++, as well as pointers, namespaces, and basic input and output in a console application.
Chapter 3, If, Else, and Switch, covers basic logical statements in C++ that allow you to make choices in your code based on the value in a variable.
Chapter 4, Looping, covers how to run a piece of code a certain number of times, or until a condition is true. It also covers logical operators, and we'll see our first example of code in UE4.
Chapter 5, Functions and Macros, covers how we can set up portions of code that can be called from other parts of the code. We also cover how to pass in values or get a return value, and look at some more advanced topics related to variables.
Chapter 6, Objects, Classes, and Inheritance, covers objects in C++, which are pieces of code that tie data members and member functions together into a bundle of code called a class or struct. We will learn about encapsulation and how it is easier and more efficient to program objects such that they maintain their own internal state.
Chapter 7, Dynamic Memory Allocation, looks at dynamic memory allocation and how to create space in memory for groups of objects. This chapter introduces you to C- and C++-style arrays and vectors. In most UE4 code, you will use the UE4 editor built-in collection classes.
Chapter 8, Actors and Pawns, goes into how to create a character and display it on the screen, control your character with axis bindings, and create and display NPCs that can post messages to the HUD.
Chapter 9, Templates and Commonly Used Containers, goes over how to use templates in C++, and talks about template-based data structures available both in UE4 and in the C++ Standard Template Library.
Chapter 10, Inventory System and Pickup Items, is where we will code and design a backpack for our player to store items. We will display what the player is carrying in the pack when the user presses the I key. We will learn how to set up multiple pickup items for the player.
Chapter 11, Monsters, looks at how to add a landscape. The player will walk along the path sculpted out for them and then they will encounter an army. You will learn how to instantiate monsters on the screen that run after the player and attack them.
Chapter 12, Building Smarter Monsters with Advanced AI, covers the basics of AI. We will learn how to use the NavMesh, Behavior Trees, and other AI techniques to make your monsters appear smarter.
Chapter 13, Spell Book, looks at how to create spells to defend yourself in the game, as well as particle systems to display the spells visually.
Chapter 14, Improving UI Feedback with UMG and Audio, is about displaying game information to the user with the new UMG UI system. We'll be updating your inventory window to be simpler and much nicer looking using UMG, and I will give you tips on creating your own UIs. It also covers how to add basic audio to enhance your game.
Chapter 15, Virtual Reality and Beyond, gives an overview of what UE4 is capable of with VR, AR, procedural programming, add-ons, and working with different platforms.